
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Obama on My Street

So, whatever your politics are I think seeing an American president is pretty special. It's certainly history and although I'm young I'm not getting any younger and I've never seen one but last week that changed when President Obama rode down my street. (Click picture for better look; the prez was in the second SUV). I was out walking with my dog along Ventura Boulevard, doing a little window shopping when I noticed news vans congregating on the corner of Ventura and Laurel Canyon. It hit me that today was the day that he was going George Clooney's house for a fund raiser. I walked up Laurel Canyon toward George's (a little hurt that I didn't get an invite and a pass on the $40,000 ticket price) but there was a swarm of police and even more news crews. Knowing he wouldn't be here for at least an hour or more, I realized there really wasn't too many ways for him to go except to go up Laurel Canyon past my apartment. So I just went home, and when the news said he was on his way I went outside as the motorcade went by. So standing on the curb, I snapped pictures and video as the 44th president rode by, smiling and waving. Bucket list thing done, check.


  1. I shared this little bit of Americana with friends - SO LA to just happen to be on the route of a famous person, but the President? That really ups it a notch!

  2. It was exciting, I will say that!
