
Monday, May 20, 2013

Fasting For Health

Fasting has gotten a lot of coverage in the news lately and most of it has been positive - for good reason. It turns out that there are myriad healthy effects from fasting and there's a variety of ways to do it, and different time frames. Even a little ends up being a good thing and can help counter excessive fat in the diet and prevent obesity, diabetes and liver disease. In a paper published May 17, 2012 in the journal Cell Metabolism mice limited to eating just eight hours in every twenty-four hour period were healthier than mice that ate at will. After a 100 day trial, researchers found that the mice in the experimental group weighed 28% less and had better blood glucose and lower cholesterol levels than the control group mice, even though both ate the same amount of calories and fat in a 24 hour period.* So once in a while - skip that lunch and just go shopping! The arteries you save may be your own. 
*Megumi Haton, Christopher Vollmers, Amir Zarrinpart, Luciano DiTacchio, et al. Time Restricted Feeding without Reducing Caloric Intake Prevents Metabolic Diseases in Mice. Cell Metabolism, 2012

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hell's Kitchen

Guest eaters on the Hell's Kitchen episode that aired on May 13, 2013, courtesy of my husband Seth's U.S. Army unit who were guests of honor. Hopefully we did not (and by we I mean my friend Brittany) embarrass ourselves too much by asking chef Gordon Ramsey if the beef was hormone free and grass fed. Actually it was all a lot of fun - good times, good food, and good memories. Back to the gym after this!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Starting Them Young

Never too early to get them hooked on a lifetime of fitness! Taking a little baby break at the new studio.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

New Studio!!!

So, in addition to late nights with Mr Blue Eyes, all the more trying because he was quite colicky for a few weeks, we have been working our buns off - not with kettle bells - but with lease agreements, signage companies, marketing changes, etc. But all for great reasons - our new studio is up and running!!! I'm so excited. We've got an indoor area and outdoor area in a great place in Sherman Oaks. For those of you who are close enough, please come visit us at:

14440 Magnolia Blvd.  Sherman Oaks, CA  91401

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mr. Blue Eyes

I've been away for bit. This is a big reason why. Mr. Blue Eyes - Avery James weighed in at a healthy 8 pounds, zero ounces. He's fine. My body on the other hand has taken a bit of a beating! I've done some light things over the past six weeks but plan on doing my first actual workout today. (By that I mean I expect sore muscles tomorrow). Still have about ten extra pounds to get off so I need to get on it.