Disclaimer up front: I'm am still an omnivore. I eat chicken, I eat fish, and the occasional burger. But I also eat a ton of vegetables, whole grains and a variety of legumes. That said, I think this is a must see documentary. (You can read the book as well but I think the documentary is really well made). It mostly follows the parallel research done by two doctors, a PhD researcher and an MD surgeon, who both concluded that most of the degenerative diseases that afflict developed countries today are caused by the extremely high amount of animal based foods in our diets. My takeaway after watching is this - if you currently have significant heath issues of practically any kind, I would seriously consider adopting such an eating regimen, that being a plant based diet. For society as a whole, my thought is this - we need to start having serious discussions about the things we eat and how it affects us. While I said at the beginning that I eat animal products I can say that I eat a lot less than I used to, supplanting those calories more and more with plant based meals. Diseases are exploding in this country - from heart disease, to cancers and diabetes now showing up commonly in teenagers - and it will be at the forefront of our discussions about the state of our national health in the future. Again, it's a highly rated documentary and I advise all to watch. You can find it on Netflix or order the DVD.
Amazon: Forks Over Knives
It will be interesting to see over the next several years (decades?) whether genetically modified plant foods change the good ratings of plants-based diet. We mad scientist humans so often don't know the unintended outcomes until after those outcomes have created a whole new set of problems.