Friday, August 30, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Eight Months Pregnant - Making It To The Top Of Runyon Canyon
Yes ladies, it can be done. This and other things as well. This was the last week of February, 2013. Not trying to show off - just trying to inspire. After this picture was taken I ran all the way down Mulholland Drive and did push ups in the Skirball Center parking lot. Just kidding! I went home and took a nap. : )
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Pregnancy: If Possible - Do The Hard Work Beforehand

I run into women all the time who lament that they had a baby three months (or even three years) ago and they are not happy with how their body looks and feels afterwards. I have a lot to say, and hopefully can offer some good advice on how to get back to where you would like to be in terms of your health and fitness regardless of your age, shape or how long it has been since the birth of your last child.. But the first thing I have to say is that you really should do the hard work beforehand. Not only is there evidence that shows that exercise has a beneficial effect on a babies birth weight (1), it can result in "shorter labor, fewer medical interventions, and less exhaustion during labor" (2). Of course I did all the normal things you are supposed to do. I stopped my nightly glass of wine (arrrrgh!) not pleasant; I took all my prenatal vitamins; I was already eating healthy but I ramped it up a notch further adding all kinds of different greens and healthy grains and beans on a daily basis; I cut down on my occasional cheeseburgers and frozen yogurts and I watched my weight. And here's the thing and I am going to make it a small rant because I think there is a misconception - yes, even personal trainers have to watch their weight. It isn't like because I work out on a daily basis I can eat anything I want. I wish that were the case. But by keeping my weight at a normal level for my pregnancy I had fewer issues afterward. At least - weight and fat wise. I'll share more on other issues later.
1) "The study [published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism] shows that moderate, regular exercise can have a meaningful effect on a baby's birth weight without putting the pregnancy or child at risk". - quoted from an article by Tara Parker-Pope in the New York Times, April 5, 2010
2) American Pregnancy Association (
Monday, August 26, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Write What You Know - That Means Baby Stuff
I've heard that phrase before and since what I know these days has to do with babies, that is likely to show up quite a bit from now on. My little man just turned five months and I have plenty of friends who have either had babies this year or are about to. As well as my sister whose precious bundle is a couple of months older than mine. So...babies, the joys of motherhood, the tribulations of motherhood, getting in prenatal shape, getting back in shape in that postnatal period. These are the things I know and will be writing about.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Vacation - Take A Break Once A While
Lake Quinault, Washington. As important as it is to workout, you need to take a break every now and then. And no....I didn't bring my running shoes. I may even eat a Snickers bar!
Friday, August 23, 2013
So I blinked, and summer is pretty much gone. It seems like all a big blur. Maybe I've been busier in my life but I doubt it. New business, new baby, and a serious flock of friends and relatives who made Los Angeles their summer destination for vacation. And it was fantastic being able to spend time with everyone (I wish more could have made it out) but I am stretched about as thin as I think I can go. Good news though even as I write this. We're on a long weekend vacation / wedding trip in the great northwest. Mr. Blue Eyes turned five months a few days ago (!!!) and is starting to eat some solid food. Still not sleeping through the night and won't learn how to change his own diaper so there are continuing challenges. Don't even get me started on the 5 to 7 PM witching hour. Let's just say there's plenty of crying when little man is cranky. But...I think we've turned that corner. And on to another busy road!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Fasting For Health
Fasting has gotten a lot of coverage in the news lately and most of it has been positive - for good reason. It turns out that there are myriad healthy effects from fasting and there's a variety of ways to do it, and different time frames. Even a little ends up being a good thing and can help counter excessive fat in the diet and prevent obesity, diabetes and liver disease. In a paper published May 17, 2012 in the journal Cell Metabolism mice limited to eating just eight hours in every twenty-four hour period were healthier than mice that ate at will. After a 100 day trial, researchers found that the mice in the experimental group weighed 28% less and had better blood glucose and lower cholesterol levels than the control group mice, even though both ate the same amount of calories and fat in a 24 hour period.* So once in a while - skip that lunch and just go shopping! The arteries you save may be your own.
*Megumi Haton, Christopher Vollmers, Amir Zarrinpart, Luciano DiTacchio, et al. Time Restricted Feeding without Reducing Caloric Intake Prevents Metabolic Diseases in Mice. Cell Metabolism, 2012
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Hell's Kitchen
Guest eaters on the Hell's Kitchen episode that aired on May 13, 2013, courtesy of my husband Seth's U.S. Army unit who were guests of honor. Hopefully we did not (and by we I mean my friend Brittany) embarrass ourselves too much by asking chef Gordon Ramsey if the beef was hormone free and grass fed. Actually it was all a lot of fun - good times, good food, and good memories. Back to the gym after this!
Friday, May 17, 2013
Starting Them Young
Never too early to get them hooked on a lifetime of fitness! Taking a little baby break at the new studio.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
New Studio!!!
So, in addition to late nights with Mr Blue Eyes, all the more trying because he was quite colicky for a few weeks, we have been working our buns off - not with kettle bells - but with lease agreements, signage companies, marketing changes, etc. But all for great reasons - our new studio is up and running!!! I'm so excited. We've got an indoor area and outdoor area in a great place in Sherman Oaks. For those of you who are close enough, please come visit us at:
14440 Magnolia Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91401
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Mr. Blue Eyes
I've been away for bit. This is a big reason why. Mr. Blue Eyes - Avery James weighed in at a healthy 8 pounds, zero ounces. He's fine. My body on the other hand has taken a bit of a beating! I've done some light things over the past six weeks but plan on doing my first actual workout today. (By that I mean I expect sore muscles tomorrow). Still have about ten extra pounds to get off so I need to get on it.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Meatless Munchies - Saffron Rice w/ Mushrooms
So, a client of mine gave me a packet of real saffron. I'd never eaten it, cooked with it or, quite frankly, even heard of it before. Pulling up info on that source of sources - Wikipedia - I learned that it is:
The most expensive spice in the world - about $600 a pound
The stamens of the crocus flower grown around the Mediterranean
Hand picked (which is why it is so expensive)
The packet was about an eighth of a teaspoon - enough to season two servings of rice. I did look up to see that turmeric is often substituted and I've used that before.
Sliced up some regular button mushrooms and sauteed them a bit with some green onions. Added the rice, water, saffron, salt and pepper and simmered about 15 minutes. The rice turned an awesome yellow color and it was quite delicious. (The packet, by the way, was about $3). Not an everyday thing but something different and tasty to be sure.
The most expensive spice in the world - about $600 a pound
The stamens of the crocus flower grown around the Mediterranean
Hand picked (which is why it is so expensive)
The packet was about an eighth of a teaspoon - enough to season two servings of rice. I did look up to see that turmeric is often substituted and I've used that before.
Sliced up some regular button mushrooms and sauteed them a bit with some green onions. Added the rice, water, saffron, salt and pepper and simmered about 15 minutes. The rice turned an awesome yellow color and it was quite delicious. (The packet, by the way, was about $3). Not an everyday thing but something different and tasty to be sure.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Meatless Munchies - Stuffed Acorn Squash
Found a couple of heirloom squash on sale at the market and was deciding what to do with them. Going through the cupboard I found a package of Trader Joe's brown rice / wild rice mix. Had some shiitake mushrooms and, voila! - an idea for dinner was born. I re-hydrated the mushrooms and then used that water to cook the rice in. To the rice I added the slivered mushrooms, 1/4 tea of garlic powder, 1/4 tea of salt, 1/4 tea of pepper and a good splash of left over chardonnay that's been taunting me from the fridge. (Hey, if I can't drink it, I might as well cook with it). Simmered and added to the cooked squash halves. Result? Awesomeness! Can't wait to do that again.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Meatless Munchies - Baked Wontons!
Ok, these were wonderful! I made two batches - one sweet (teriyaki) and one spicy. You can use what you have on hand but I happened to have on hand fresh ginger, mushrooms, snow peas, green onions, garlic, carrots.
Dice everything and separate into two equal batches. In one skillet I simmered those ingredients in a cup and a half of vegetable broth. In the other I did the same but added 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/4 tea of salt, 1/4 tea of pepper, one hot dried chili crushed including seeds and 1/4 cup of low sodium soy sauce. Just keep boiling down both dueling skillets until the liquid is reduced until almost gone. When the sweet side was almost done I added three TBs of soy sauce and 2 TBs of brown sugar. On the spicy, just keep cooking until liquid is almost gone. Put spoonfuls onto wonton skins, put on cookie sheet and bake at 400 for 12 minutes. On the spicy, I then drizzled some sriracha pepper sauce. An Asian pair was sweet and helped to balance the spicy hot. They were yummy.
Dice everything and separate into two equal batches. In one skillet I simmered those ingredients in a cup and a half of vegetable broth. In the other I did the same but added 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/4 tea of salt, 1/4 tea of pepper, one hot dried chili crushed including seeds and 1/4 cup of low sodium soy sauce. Just keep boiling down both dueling skillets until the liquid is reduced until almost gone. When the sweet side was almost done I added three TBs of soy sauce and 2 TBs of brown sugar. On the spicy, just keep cooking until liquid is almost gone. Put spoonfuls onto wonton skins, put on cookie sheet and bake at 400 for 12 minutes. On the spicy, I then drizzled some sriracha pepper sauce. An Asian pair was sweet and helped to balance the spicy hot. They were yummy.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Meatless Munchies - Kale/Tangerine/Ginger Salad
So, I'm not going vegan or anything (even though that would make my friend Brittany very happy) but I have had enough of my share of animal proteins (and fats) lately so I thought I'd be sending out some healthy veggie dominated recipes. I'm at that point where it's getting harder to swing a kettle bell but I can still swing a knife and a spatula. This was easy. Just combine kale, tangerine slices, ginger and jalapeno slivers and douse with a bit of balsamic vinaigrette. Healthy and yummy.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
365 Miles in 365 Days!
365 Day Running Challenge? YOU in?!
The 365 Miles in 365 Days Challenge is to simply to push ourselves a little harder than normal this year! Whether you work out consistently, not so consistently, with a trainer, without a trainer, this challenge is for everyone - to add a little extra to our "normal" workout routine this year.
Run, jog, walk, have someone give you a piggy back ride, it doesn't matter! This Challenge is designed to get us moving towards a healthier and better lifestyle......and it doesn't hurt that you'll be burning more calories than last year! The Christmas cookies that have accumulated in your stomach have now turned to fat. Your middle will thank you!
Break the miles up any way you'd like. You're shooting for 30-31 miles a month. 7-8 miles a week. Or 1 mile a day. Remember, these miles can be walked too!
With the help of your trainer (me!) keeping you accountable each month, you'll be more likely to stick with it! At the end of each month, email me your total miles completed, and I will keep a log for you. If you're a little short, you can always make up for it the next month, but don't make it a habit or you'll really be hating the challenge come December when you'd rather be spending your cardio exercise Christmas shopping!
So.......if you're in for the challenge, send me an email at and I'll send you all the info you need to get started!
- Only runs starting on January 1st, 2013 count, no prior runs.
- Complete once you've accumulated 365 miles in 2013.
- Cycling may be substituted for Running/Walking.
- Most importantly......have fun with it and be proud of your monthly accomplishments!
A little inspiration for you! World's Oldest Marathoner! 101 Years Old!
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